Frontend 🖼️ developer but working on Rust 🦀 projects in my spare time.
I like to help and contribute to open source projects. I even have a few of my own, like Freya, a native GUI library for Rust powered by Skia and Dioxus, or also valin, a cross-platform code editor made using Freya.
1445 stars ⭐
Cross-platform GUI library for Rust powered by Skia and Dioxus.1445 stars ⭐
40 stars ⭐
State management for Dioxus apps.40 stars ⭐
22 stars ⭐
State management with topics for Dioxus.22 stars ⭐
149 stars ⭐
Code editor made entirely in Rust using Freya.149 stars ⭐
61 stars ⭐
GitHub Dashboard made in Rust With Dioxus.61 stars ⭐
1167 stars ⭐
Graviton Editor
Minimal code editor made in Rust using Tauri.1167 stars ⭐
Wed Aug 17 2022
Joined Boxfish Studio as Frontend Developer
Wed Aug 17 2022
Thu Jul 01 2021
Joined ALBA Synchrotron as intern
Thu Jul 01 2021